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Flea Market and Antique Show

Saturday, October 11, 2025 - October 12, 2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Flea Market and Antique Fair
Cornwell's Turkeyville
18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd
Marshall, MI 49068
Cost: Vendors fee is $30 for 2-day weekends and $45 for holiday weekends.
Contact & More Info

Flea market and Antiques shows are held outside on a sprawling field where you can take a stroll down the rows and see lots of unique items from day gone by. With the popular trend of purposing making Turkeyville the perfect place to start that next project. You can find seasonal veggies and fruit during the fall. Collectors will be able to find additions to the collection. Plus always find new things for a great price, like socks and clothing. Turkeyville has been hosting this event for more that 35 years. While at Turkeyville make sure to include a meal in the Turkeyville restaurant and home made pies or ice cream for dessert. Stroll through the shops for a one of a kind souvenir or gift for your self.


-Vendors: Spots are $15 a day must pay for whole weekend.  Spots are 14x25 and you provide tables and tent if you want one. To make reservations please call us at 269-781-4293